Information systems applied to the management of records, or the art of losing money.

Lionel Novo

By Lionel Novo, CIO at FGAO.

Join Lionel at our next CIO Meeting

In the 19th century the issue was industrial production, we were in the era of Engineers. In the 20th century the issue was the mass marketing of products and services, we were in the era of marketing. In the 21st century the challenge is the integration of business, organization and engineering, we are now in the area of Architects.

Information systems are becoming more complex, interconnected and integrated with organizations become mature with experience, the empirical design is not adequate and does requires analysis has been modelled as many years in the industry. We need a paradigm shift. Skip from design cascade to design by modelling.

THE three components of this model are:

1) THE “WHY”: representing the strategy described by the company as defined by the Sponsor legitimate in a simple sentence, broken down into detailed subsets.
2) THE “What” represented by all stakeholders having a strong influence directly or indirectly. Each function or “technical box” must have an owner. The project organization must accurately reflect the organization that will use the system.
3) THE “How” is represented by the IT that will:
a) Using an approach “Top / Down”, decompose the system into simple functions
b) Cut the complex problems in simple problems and few,
c) Focus on interfaces and interfaced systems and organizations, negotiating with all stakeholders, with a “Facilitator Architect”
d) Never underestimate the detailed analysis, that passes through the system and require upstream of the project, a study of architecture thrust.

All projects must have a duration of 3 to 6 months more time augment, more risk becomes a certainty. The rule applies as equivalent to the costs, the limit is reached when the overall vision of the project is beyond human capacity.

Source: CESAMES and Documents Daniel KROB

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